My name is Jenny and I was born and raised in St. Louis, MO.  I went to college in the Northeast and moved back home after I graduated, to get a job for a big company in the city.

About five years ago, I got bored and decided I needed a change.  I quit my job and moved to Southeast Florida with my college sweetheart and my dog, Weebey.  It was great for us.  My now-husband and I both landed on our feet and are happy with how this “leap of faith” turned out. 

Funny enough, the primary defining detail that my family and friends would use to describe me (if they were asked), is that I’m a vegan.  It’s so weird to everyone… C’est la vie.  The second thing…  I’m cheap.  Being vegan and cheap… that’s something of an oxymoron.  My husband on the other hand, is devoted to his meat and potatoes but we make it work.  As I am the only vegan of all of my friends and family, I am always trying to introduce them to my manner of eating.  Along the way I have come across some really great finds and I’m always eager to share.

Thank you for visiting and I hope you make it back here again and again and again!



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